DOCTOR WHO Christmas Invasion

THIS IMAGE IS STRICTLY NOT FOR PUBLICATION UNTIL 00:01HRS, SATURDAY DECEMBER 3RD, 2005 Picture Shows: DAVID TENANT as The Doctor and BILLIE PIPER as Rose GENERIC BBC ONE: TBC The legendary Time Lord, Doctor Who returns to planet earth for Christmas. Along with established sidekick Rose (Billie Piper), the re-generated Doctor (David Tenant) is once again faced with a battle against evil in a bid to protect planet earth from destruction. From flame-throwing Santas to the evil alien Sycorax, Rose and The Doctor find themselves in one of the hardest battles their friendship has had to endure… Warning: Use of this copyright image is subject to Terms of Use of BBC Digital Picture Service. In particular, this image may only be used during the publicity period for the purpose of publicising 'Doctor Who’ and provided the BBC is credited. Any use of this image on the internet or for any other purpose whatsoever, including advertising or other commercial uses, requires the prior written approval of the BBC.

Założyciel Twórca projektów internetowych, czarodziej społeczności, magik newsów technologicznych. Wielki fan Doktora Who oraz całej masy innych seriali. Wielbiciel kryminałów, thrillerów oraz muzyki wszelakiej.  wszystko o serialu Doctor Who


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